On October 28 and 29, the National Historical Museum celebrated the 40th anniversary of its inauguration. This jubilee year was manifested through the International Museum Conference ′′ Museums Renew the Future ′′ and Exhibition ′′ When the National Historical Museum was built “. The International Museum Conference ′′ Museums Renew the Future “, aims to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of the National Historical Museum by putting emphasis and importance on various problems and proposals related to the promotion of the national museum network, exchange of professional experience in management, restoration, exposure of museum buildings and promoting constructive debate on history and museums. This two-day conference organized by the National Historical Museum aimed at continuity and deepening co-ops, as well as mutual cultural and historical exchange among historians, museums and cultural heritage researchers aimed at promoting Albanian s’ history, museums and heritage. The special exhibition entitled ′′ When the National Historical Museum was built ′′ reflected for the general public the working group, who have worked and contributed to the project of the National Historic Museum which consisted of architects Moscow, Nina Shehu, Enver Faja, Grigor Konduri, Mauricio Bego and Petraq Kolevica. This group designed the building’s implementation project and helped implementing the problems arising during the construction of the museum. The ancient hall was designed by the arch. Nina Shehu, middle age hall from the arch. Enver Faja, the Renaissance and Independence Hall was designed by the arch. Grigor Konduri, the national liberation war hall was designed by the arch. Mauricio Bego and the hall of socialism ark. Petraq Kolevica. Each of the exhibition halls has special architecture, avoiding monotony and repetition. Each hall follows the message and atmosphere of the period it belongs to. In the general space conception of museum interiors it has been considered that halls be organically connected to each other, fluently without accentuation to give everywhere the idea of a similar space, just as is the history of our people .. At the jubilee ceremony of the International Museum Conference ′′ Museums Renew the Future “, as part of the 40th anniversary of the National Historical Museum’s inauguration, was a panel selected composed of: Mrs. Elva Margariti, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Albania, Director of the National Historical Museum, Dr. Dorian Koçi, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Mr. Valmir Aziri, Chairman of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Skender Gjinushi as well as many studies, historians, museumologists and lovers of museum, culture and cultural heritage. During the ceremony of jubilee event on the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of the National Historical Museum, Director of National Historic Museum, Dr. Dorian Koçi presented: 👉 The Association ′′ Friends of the National Historical Museum “, which has as an event object, Supporting the main development programs of the National Historia Museum, through contributions, sponsorships, and heritage left by its members, the Friends of the Museum Foundation ensures an annual fund to enrich museum collections, for publications, various activities, etc. 👉 Distribution of Gratitude Diplomas, as a sign of respect and gratitude for the help and contribution made to the conception, content, as well as the progress of the National Historical Museum over 40 years, as the largest museum institution in the country. These degrees of gratitude went to: Selim Islam, Moikom Zeqon, Luan Malltez, Nina Shehun, Noble Pulajn, Enver Kushin, Tatjana Alimeman, Robert Koten, Grigor Kondurin, Sotirulla Hoxhan, Fatmir Haxhiu, Kleanthi Deden, who greeted excited and thanked organizers for the gratitude and respect shown by their contribution over 40 years. 👉 The documentary show entitled ′′ With the builders of the National Historical Museum “, which reflected for attendees the genesis of design and the realization of the interier and the content of the ′′ National Historic Museum “, where they have worked and contributed working groups for every historical period consisting of: historians, architects, painters, photographers, macetists etc. On the first day of the International Museum Conference ′′ Museums Renew the Future ′′ they referred: 👉 Dr. Dorian Koçi, Director of the National Historical Museum, spoke about ′′ Challenges of Albanian Museum and prospects for the future “. 👉 Dr. Sadik Krasniqi, National Museum of Kosovo referred to: ′′ Museum field in Kosovo according to scientific and professional methodology ′′ 👉 Prof. Ass. Dr. Ardit Bido, Director General of the Archives of Albania referred to ′′ Museum Objects to the General Directorate of State Archives ′′ 👉 Dr. Besnik Rraci, the National Museum of Kosovo referred to the theme ′′ Museum look ′′ Kosovo’s Independence House Dr. Ibrahim Rugova ′′ 👉 Dr. Asllan Zemani, Museum of Armed Forces, Tirana referred to the theme ′′ Museum of Armed forces in the face of time challenges ′′ 👉 Fjoralba Priesti, Director of the National Museum of Medieval Art Korça referred to ′′ National Museum of Middle Ages Art – Cultural and museum politics in operation of our society ′′ 👉 Prof. Ass. Dr. Arsim Sinani, Director of the Institute for Social Studies, University of Prishtina that referred to the topic ′′ Kosovo’s moving museum, an important trajectory of Albanian culture “. 👉 Alban Ramohitaj, Director of Durres Museum Center, referred to ′′ National Archaeological Museum of Durres “. 👉 PhD (C) Etleva Demollari, Director of National Tapping Museum on the topic, ′′ Leaf House ′′ ′′ Changes to the National Historical Museum after 1991 ′′ 👉 Tomor Kastrati, from the National Museum of Kosovo referred to ′′ Neolithic Collection with Adriatic Features at the National Museum in Kosovo. 👉 Ilirjan Gjika, Director of the Historical Museum, Fier referenced ′′ Historical Museum Fier, real situation and prospects ′′ 👉 Prof. Dr. Lida Miraj referred to the topic: ′′ Memory culture and culture of identity. Preservation and protection of the historic landscape and urban landscape of the city “. On the second day of the International Museum Conference ′′ Museums Renew the Future ′′ they referred: 👉 PhD (C) Besarta Reçica, National Museum of Kosovo – ′′ Former situation and development processes at the National Museum of Kosovo ′′ 👉 Ornela Dyrmishi, Director of Apolloni National Archaeology Park – ′′ Museums renew the future through technology ′′ 👉 Prof. Ass. Dr. Frederick Stamati – ′′ Conservation of buildings at the National Historical Museum ′′ 👉 Elsjona Kote, National Historical Museum – ′′ The role of the National Museum in the community ′′ 👉 PhD (C) Spiro Nika, National Historical Museum – ′′ The necessity of enriching and renovating the Ancient Pavilion at the National Historical museum ′′ 👉 Erodita Qorkadiu Haxhiu, Peja Museum, Kosovo – ′′ Ethnographic Museum in Kosovo Labored, Peja Museum ′′ 👉 Redis Marku, National Historical Museum – ′′ Museums and Technology ′′ 👉 Nina Shehu – ′′ Impressions and Memories during the 5-year work in the design and implementation of the MHK building ′′ 👉 Rezarta Loxha Vitaku & Blerina Bejtullahu, National Museum of Kosovo ′′ Museums in Digital Age ′′ 👉 Dr. Sk ëndernder Bushi National Historical Museum ′′ National Historical museum beyond collector and exhibitor role ′′ 👉 Erilda Selaj, Studio Kadare Museum, Tirana ′′ Impact of Covid-19 pandemics in museums and cultural spaces in Albania ′′ 👉 Brunilda Braho, National Historical Museum ′′ Contemporary Innovation at the National Historic Museum ′′ exhibition 👉 Anila Gjyrezi, Historical Museum of Shkodra ′′ Historical Museum, Ethnographic Collection and its promotion ′′ 👉 Andrea Lucani, National Historical Museum. ′′ Mosaic ′′ Albania ′′ on the forehead of the National Historical Museum in the face of time contests ′′ 👉 PhD (C) Najada Velçani and Sonjela Babaliu, National Historical Museum – ′′ The Role of Educational Programs Sector at the National Historical museum “. During the discussion at the conference during these two days emphasized the importance and role of collections, museum concept and increased opportunity for collaboration and enriching museum funds. Issues like the moving museum, the need to have policies and programs to bring young people as close to museums or archaeological sites and problems that concern circles museums. It was pointed out that greater attention should be shown for local museums this should be one of the priorities in the museum field in Albania, to bring these institutions to the standard and level of national museums. Also, there was also talked about the digital era and the need to implement digital technology in the museum, the role and importance of conferences, workshops in education and the importance of preserving and maintaining cultural heritage collections. The rumors of this conference will be found outlined in a single publication for all readers.